I've been having a lot of issues over the past year with my Ipad's rotation being locked. I think I've been through every support page, blog and even youtube videos in search for a solution. Sure, I've been reading about all the obvious stuff, like checking that "Lock Rotation" isn't enabled (either through swiping up to get to the shortcut menu, or through the side switch option), or rebooting the device by pressing the home and lock screen button for about 10 sec. In fact, rebooting used to work most of the time, but only if I made sure to quit all running applications before doing it. I.e. double-click the home button and swipe up on all open applications. Seems like some applications manage to lock the rotation indefinitely. Anyway, this time it's not working! Once in a while, it starts working for a day, or two, and then it's locked again. It usually starts working after an iOS update, like the latest 8.1.1, but soon starts locking again. ...