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Showing posts from 2012

Greasemonkey to rescue!

Greasemonkey is an add-on to Firefox that seems to prove to be really useful, so I wanted to give it a spin. Basically, what it does is to modify webpages on-the-fly as you load them - using JavaScript. Many times I guess people use it to get rid of nasty ads and so forth. There are plenty of other add-ons able to do that - like removing a specific element each time, which doesn't require any coding. What fun is that? Nonetheless, my first Greasemonkey-script does just that - removes an ad. But for the site in question - (all in Swedish) - it isn't as easy as removing an element. The site is divided into 3 rows using a frameset that looks like this:   <frameset frameborder="no" framespacing="0" rows="0,210,*"> <frame class="noprint" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" name="historyFrame" noresize="" scrolling="no" src=""></frame> <fram

Fighting Dell!

Ok - so I've been having trouble with my Dell Latitude e5410. What kind of trouble, you ask? Well, I discovered it when listening in on my favorite tunes on Spotify. Intermittent there was a "buzzing" sound for a brief moment, like if my headphones weren't properly attached, or poorly fitted into the jack. This happened 5-10 times per song and was really annoying me, but I couldn't really figure out what it was. Tried a couple of things, like testing with different headphones, downloading new audio drivers, but it never when away. It even occurred when listening without headphones. And no matter if it was streaming media or music on from my local library. So I gave up. Sigh! Stopped listening on music while working, that is. Half a year later, and some hours to kill, I started searching for a solution (again). But how do you Google it? "Dell sound noise"? "Dell e5410 audio buzz"? No luck. Turned out the magic word was "music",