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Showing posts from June, 2010

Using Spring Security's OpenID implementation (openid4java) on Google App Engine

The goal with this exercise is to have a running example of an OpenID login on a simple Spring application, using Google as the OpenID Provider. Note that the application will be running on Google App Engine and that Spring Roo is only used for simplicity of creating the project files. Any Spring-based application could use the same implementation. First of all, create a simple project using Spring Roo (or any equivalent framework), including the default security setup: project --topLevelPackage com.technowobble persistence setup --provider DATANUCLEUS --database GOOGLE_APP_ENGINE entity --class ~.domain.MyEntity field string --fieldName name controller all --package com.technowobble.controller security setup This setup only provides us with a form-login, which is not what we wanted. So what about OpenID? Well, if it wasn't for Google App Engine, I would happily have added an <openid-login>-tag to applicationContext-security.xml, but things are never that easy, are the

Adding a custom GWT module in a Roo-project

So I started looking into Roo the other day. Seems like a nice tool (once it matures a little more). Anyway - I wanted to create a custom module in addition to the two being generated when adding GWT-support to the project. Not as easy as I thought, mainly because I hadn't seen the Url Rewrite Filter before. I ended up with a 404, no matter what I did, and couldn't figure out why. Frustration! After reading up on the url rewrite stuff, I was ready to give it another try. Let's create a module called Application, based on the standard sample application you'll get using the GWT wizard in Eclipse. First of all, create the Roo project using the following instructions: project --topLevelPackage com.technowobble persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY entity --class com.technowobble.domain.MyEntity gwt setup (The "gwt setup" setup command generates some code that will not compile unless there's a persistence setup and at lea

How to integrate Facebook's JavaScript SDK with GWT

First of all - you need to have a Facebook account. Then you need to create an application on Facebook at , that will give you an App Id. This id is tightly connected to the url/site from which you will be using the JavaScript SDK and you'll be using it later. For development, localhost addresses works fine - i.e. Next thing is to add the actual JavaScript library to you hostpage, which according to Facebook means adding this piece of JavaScript just before the body-endtag: <!-- Facebook integration --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); </script> It will dynamically add a script-tag into your html-file, which bypasses the "Same Origin